Success Stories > GlowRoad

How GlowRoad Increased New User Conversions By 10%

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GlowRoad is India's fastest growing Social Commerce app with 60 million+ active resellers. It lets users resell products from 100+ categories in WhatsApp & Social Media at wholesale prices; offering an opportunity to start their own online business with zero investment.

User Nudges


Increase in DAU


Increased Conversions
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Increased Feature Adoption
Apxor Campaign

Contextualized Nudges to Grab Opportunity Micromoments

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The convesion of new users proved to be of top priority to GlowRoad. By utilising Apxor, GlowRoad wanted to find the  Opportunity Segment of new users who could be nudged to conversion, and also nudge them in time while they were on the app, to boost conversions.

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Apxor’s Customer Success team worked with the GlowRoad team to derive insights on how users were converting.  By using Apxor’s frameworks, they found that the users who checked their Internal Notifications, were more likely to make successful payments.

Using this product experience insight, GlowRoad employed Apxor to show an contextualized  Coachmark to new users to bring the Internal Notifications feature to their notice. Users immediately clicked the button to find out enticing deals on trending products.

By improving the discovery of their Internal Notifications feature
using Apxor, and grabbing the micromoments for conversions, GlowRoad instantly upsurged its new user payments by 10%.
Apxor Campaign
Contextualized Nudges to Grab Opportunity Micromoments
orange dot

The convesion of new users proved to be of top priority to GlowRoad. By utilising Apxor, GlowRoad wanted to find the  Opportunity Segment of new users who could be nudged to conversion, and also nudge them in time while they were on the app, to boost conversions.

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Apxor’s Customer Success team worked with the GlowRoad team to derive insights on how users were converting.  By using Apxor’s frameworks, they found that the users who checked their Internal Notifications, were more likely to make successful payments.

Using this product experience insight, GlowRoad employed Apxor to show an contextualized  Coachmark to new users to bring the Internal Notifications feature to their notice. Users immediately clicked the button to find out enticing deals on trending products.


By improving the discovery of their Internal Notifications feature using Apxor, and grabbing the micromoments for conversions, GlowRoad instantly upsurged its new user payments by 10%.

Alimpan Barua

AVP, Product and Growth - GlowRoad
A big thanks to the entire team of Apxor

GlowRoad saw an uplift of 10% in new users transactions with the help of contextual walkthrough service offered by Apxor.
We intend to double this number in the next 2 quarters through Analytics and walkthroughs.

user engagement

20 Million

User nudges everyday
app engagement


Average increase
in conversions
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15 Mins

To launch a nudge
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