Enhancing Product Engagement for Porter App with Apxor

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Porter is a dynamic and innovative platform that has transformed the way we think about logistics and transportation in India. Porter's Driver-Partner app is a wing of Porter which enables the driver partners to serve customers efficiently. This app has 10+ lakh downloads on Play Store.

User Nudges


Increase in DAU


Increased Conversions
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2 Days

To launch a nudge

Using Apxor - Porter Achieved

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Survey Completion Rate
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Campaign Conversions


App Engagement Rate
Apurva Shetty
Product Manager, Porter
Apxor allows us to tap into the key moments when the user needs guidance. Bravo to Apxor for their creativity!
As a Product Manager at Porter, I couldn’t be more thrilled with how things are going with our partnership with Apxor. The key challenge for us was making sure our important user segment — our driver-partners — are reached out to and guided contextually in their local language. Apxor’s Nudges with the multi-language and localization capabilities are a game changer. Apxor enabled us to train and effectively activate our users. The results were immediate and tangible with our conversion rates reaching an impressive 75%.
Tejas Bhalerao
Associate Product Manager, Porter
Apxor has become a key player on our path to increasing user activation and end-user happiness.
At Porter, educating and guiding our users is a regular challenge. Apxor’s toolkit of solutions (including tooltips, in-app messages & in-app surveys) provided us with some amazing functionality to overcome such challenges! Reward Points Education, using Apxor’s tooltips, achieved over 33.4% conversion rate. More than 41K users interacted with the Delivery Process Feedback In-app Survey. This survey was created and launched by our team within minutes - using Apxor. It hit an astonishing 40.12% conversion rate with over 16K users completing the survey.

“As a Product Manager at Porter, I couldn’t be more thrilled with how things are going with our partnership with Apxor. The key challenge for us was making sure our important user segment — our driver-partners — are reached out to and guided contextually in their local language. Apxor’s Nudges with the multi-language and localization capabilities are a game changer. Apxor enabled us to train and effectively activate our users. The results were immediate and tangible with our conversion rates reaching an impressive 75%.
Apxor allows us to tap into the key moments when the user needs guidance.Bravo to Apxor for their creativity!”

~ Apurva Shetty

Product Manager, Porter

“At Porter, educating and guiding our users is a regular challenge. Recently, when we had to tackle the challenge of teaching our user base about our rewards program, we depended on Apxor for the solution. Similarly, collecting precious feedback during our last-mile delivery journey has been a complex task until we started using Apxor.Apxor’s toolkit of solutions (including tooltips, in-app messages & in-app surveys) provided us with some amazing functionality to overcome such challenges! Reward Points Education, using Apxor’s tooltips, achieved over 33.4% conversion rate. More than 41K users interacted with the Delivery Process Feedback In-app Survey. This survey was created and launched by our team within minutes - using Apxor. It hit an astonishing 40.12% conversion rate with over 16K users completing the survey.
We have been using Apxor consistently to drive results which weren't possible earlier.Apxor has become a key player on our path to increasing user activation and end-user happiness.”

~ Tejas Bhalerao

Associate Product Manager, Porter

porter logo
Apurva Shetty
Product Manager - Porter

“As a Product Manager at Porter, I couldn’t be more thrilled with how things are going with our partnership with Apxor. The key challenge for us was making sure our important user segment — our driver-partners — are reached out to and guided contextually in their local language. Apxor’s Nudges with the multi-language and localization capabilities are a game changer. Apxor enabled us to train and effectively activate our users. The results were immediate and tangible with our conversion rates reaching an impressive 75%.
Apxor allows us to tap into the key moments when the user needs guidance.Bravo to Apxor for their creativity!”

porter logo
Tejas Bhalerao
Associate Product Manager - Porter

“At Porter, educating and guiding our users is a regular challenge. Recently, when we had to tackle the challenge of teaching our user base about our rewards program, we depended on Apxor for the solution. Similarly, collecting precious feedback during our last-mile delivery journey has been a complex task until we started using Apxor.Apxor’s toolkit of solutions (including tooltips, in-app messages & in-app surveys) provided us with some amazing functionality to overcome such challenges! Reward Points Education, using Apxor’s tooltips, achieved over 33.4% conversion rate. More than 41K users interacted with the Delivery Process Feedback In-app Survey. This survey was created and launched by our team within minutes - using Apxor. It hit an astonishing 40.12% conversion rate with over 16K users completing the survey.
We have been using Apxor consistently to drive results which weren't possible earlier.Apxor has become a key player on our path to increasing user activation and end-user happiness.”

About Porter

porter logo

Founded in 2014, Porter is one of India’s leading logistics companies providing a spectrum ofintra-city and inter-city services. Working towards the company’s inspirational dream of ‘moving a billion dreams, one delivery at a time’, Porter has serviced over 1.5 crore customers across 20+ cities in India, with a workforce of 2,600 employees. The company strives to improve the lives of over 7.5 lakh owner-drivers by providing them with financial access, affordability and financial independence. Porter has disrupted various domains of logistics by launching an on-demand marketplace for trucks, bikes, Packers & Movers and intercity courier services.

How Porter Uses Apxor for Product Engagement

1. App Update Campaign

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To enhance user experience and expand functionality, Porter updated and added new features to its app frequently. However, a sizable chunk of their user base, particularly the driver-partners who depend on the app for work extensively, weren't upgrading it on schedule.

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Porter needed to educate its users, particularly driver-partners, about the importance of updating the app promptly. They aimed to drive conversions, ensuring that users had the latest version of the app installed to enjoy optimal functionality and security. To face this challenge, they came up with a brilliant solution.

Porter made use of Apxor’s In-app Messages feature to educate users and redirect them to the app store for updates. The In-app Messages feature of Apxor allows businesses to communicate directly with app users while they are actively using the app. These messages may be adjusted by user behavior, preferences, or segmentations. They are extremely visible and may include calls to action. Porter put the feature in place to explain to users the importance and benefits of updating the app. This message was developed to encourage the upgrade and direct users to the app store.

The App update in-app message was shown to the cohort of users who were in build versions less than upgraded versions. The campaign was set to be triggered 3 times overall and once daily until the conversion conditions were met.

Porter's team executed the campaign four times with a humongous 75% conversion rate, resulting in 150,000 users updating their app. This was 10X more than what the team could achieve with mere push notifications.


2.  Reward Points Education

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Porter's consumers may accrue points based on how much they used the service, thanks to a rewards program that had been put in place. However, it was difficult to explain the specifics of this incentive program to users.

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Porter's goal was to effectively educate users about their reward points, how they could earn and redeem them, and their advantages. They aimed to ensure that users understood the value they could derive from the rewards program. So to overcome this difficulty they came up with a solution.

To educate users about reward points, Porter used tooltips, leveraging Apxor's Dashboard. Tooltips are short helpful inline messages that give information to your users about a feature on your app. Deployed contextually, tooltips allow you to gently guide your users’ attention to features that they need to discover.Businesses can create and use tooltips within Apxor's Dashboard to direct users and provide them with more information about particular app features. Porter incorporated a tooltip in a strategic place to give users information about reward points - including how to acquire reward points and the deadline to acquire reward points. Without overwhelming users, this tooltip served as a mini-guide that increased users' awareness of and familiarity with the rewards system.

The tooltip on the 'Reward points' feature was planned to be shown to the cohort of users who have come to the home page. Depending on the location the language of the tooltip text was personalized. It was shown once daily and 3 times overall, to create the desired impact.

This campaign reached 62,534 users with a conversion rate of 33.40%, engaging 20,944 users with the target information. With just a few minutes of work, using Apxor, Porter’s team was able to create the necessary awareness around their rewards program instantly.


3.  Delivery Process Feedback

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Porter wanted a methodical mechanism to gather customer input on their interactions with the delivery process, including any problems they ran into or recommendations for improvement.

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Porter aimed to engage its user base and encourage them to provide detailed feedback about their experiences. This feedback would be invaluable for making data-driven improvements to the delivery process and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. To solve this problem they came up with the following idea.

Using Apxor, Porter launched an in-app survey to gather feedback on the delivery process and trip cancellations. Businesses can create and publish surveys using Apxor inside an app environment. These questionnaires can be customized to target particular user groups and can collect qualitative or quantitative feedback. The survey was developed by Porter to obtain thorough information about the delivery process from the user's perspective and to identify pain points, potential improvement areas, and general satisfaction. Users were able to quickly and easily submit their input without getting overburdened thanks to the survey's speed and usability. Porter leveraged Apxor’s multi-language and localization capabilities to build in-app surveys in local languages.

This survey was set to be shown to users who had come to the home screen for the first time. This allowed Porter to show the in-app survey only to new users so that the feedback collected is more relevant.

In just six days, the in-app survey launched using Apxor, engaged 41,472 users, with 16,639 completing it, achieving a remarkable conversion rate of 40.12%. This feedback enabled Porter to have the most contextual data.


4.  Delivery Delay Awareness

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Porter wanted to proactively inform users about potential delivery delays and disruptions that could affect their orders.

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Porter's objective was to raise user awareness regarding any possible delivery delays and provide users with relevant information to help them manage their expectations effectively. This would contribute to a more positive user experience, even in the face of delays. To face this challenge they found the following solution:

To address user awareness of delivery delays, Porter initiated a survey and displayed relevant campaigns to users.The technology used by Apxor enables both surveys and customized campaign messages. In the case of Porter, they used this to create a two-pronged strategy. To begin with, a survey was conducted to learn about the opinions and experiences of users regarding delivery delays. Second, pertinent messages were shown to users, keeping them updated on any potential delivery hiccups or delays, and ensuring consumers were always aware of the status of their orders.

This in-app survey was shown to users, when they completed a delivery successfully.

Over nine days, the survey reached 39,710 users, with 12,743 completing it, resulting in a notable conversion rate of 32.09%.



Porter’s strategic nudging of their users using Apxor’s in-app messages, tooltips, and surveys led to impressive results:

App Update Campaign: 75% conversion rate, 150,000 app updates.
Reward Points Education: 33.40% conversion rate, 20,944 engaged users.
Delivery Process Feedback: 40.12% conversion rate, 16,639 survey completions.
Delivery Delay Awareness: 32.09% conversion rate, 12,743 survey completions.

These results underscore the effectiveness of proactive measures in enhancing user understanding and engagement with Porter's delivery services, by using Apxor’s contextual nudging capabilities.


These initiatives have been a great success thanks to Porter's consistent and timely use of Apxor, which has not only successfully educated users but also increased conversion rates amazingly.

Porter has increased user engagement and made sure that their app is always current through the smart use of in-app messaging, tooltips, and polls, improving the user experience in the logistics sector.

This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of data-driven approaches in resolving user problems and fostering corporate success.

How Porter Uses Apxor for Product Engagement
1. App Update Campaign
orange dot

To enhance user experience and expand functionality, Porter updated and added new features to its app frequently. However, a sizable chunk of their user base, particularly the driver-partners who depend on the app for work extensively, weren't upgrading it on schedule.

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Porter needed to educate its users, particularly driver-partners, about the importance of updating the app promptly. They aimed to drive conversions, ensuring that users had the latest version of the app installed to enjoy optimal functionality and security. To face this challenge, they came up with a brilliant solution.

Porter made use of Apxor’s In-app Messages feature to educate users and redirect them to the app store for updates. The In-app Messages feature of Apxor allows businesses to communicate directly with app users while they are actively using the app. These messages may be adjusted by user behavior, preferences, or segmentations. They are extremely visible and may include calls to action. Porter put the feature in place to explain to users the importance and benefits of updating the app. This message was developed to encourage the upgrade and direct users to the app store.

The App update in-app message was shown to the cohort of users who were in build versions less than upgraded versions. The campaign was set to be triggered 3 times overall and once daily until the conversion conditions were met.


Porter's team executed the campaign four times with a humongous 75% conversion rate, resulting in 150,000 users updating their app. This was 10X more than what the team could achieve with mere push notifications.

2.  Reward Points Education
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Porter's consumers may accrue points based on how much they used the service, thanks to a rewards program that had been put in place. However, it was difficult to explain the specifics of this incentive program to users.

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Porter's goal was to effectively educate users about their reward points, how they could earn and redeem them, and their advantages. They aimed to ensure that users understood the value they could derive from the rewards program. So to overcome this difficulty they came up with a solution.

To educate users about reward points, Porter used tooltips, leveraging Apxor's Dashboard. Tooltips are short helpful inline messages that give information to your users about a feature on your app. Deployed contextually, tooltips allow you to gently guide your users’ attention to features that they need to discover.Businesses can create and use tooltips within Apxor's Dashboard to direct users and provide them with more information about particular app features. Porter incorporated a tooltip in a strategic place to give users information about reward points - including how to acquire reward points and the deadline to acquire reward points. Without overwhelming users, this tooltip served as a mini-guide that increased users' awareness of and familiarity with the rewards system.

The tooltip on the 'Reward points' feature was planned to be shown to the cohort of users who have come to the home page. Depending on the location the language of the tooltip text was personalized. It was shown once daily and 3 times overall, to create the desired impact.


This campaign reached 62,534 users with a conversion rate of 33.40%, engaging 20,944 users with the target information. With just a few minutes of work, using Apxor, Porter’s team was able to create the necessary awareness around their rewards program instantly.

3.  Delivery Process Feedback
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Porter wanted a methodical mechanism to gather customer input on their interactions with the delivery process, including any problems they ran into or recommendations for improvement.

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Porter aimed to engage its user base and encourage them to provide detailed feedback about their experiences. This feedback would be invaluable for making data-driven improvements to the delivery process and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. To solve this problem they came up with the following idea.

Using Apxor, Porter launched an in-app survey to gather feedback on the delivery process and trip cancellations. Businesses can create and publish surveys using Apxor inside an app environment. These questionnaires can be customized to target particular user groups and can collect qualitative or quantitative feedback. The survey was developed by Porter to obtain thorough information about the delivery process from the user's perspective and to identify pain points, potential improvement areas, and general satisfaction. Users were able to quickly and easily submit their input without getting overburdened thanks to the survey's speed and usability. Porter leveraged Apxor’s multi-language and localization capabilities to build in-app surveys in local languages.

This survey was set to be shown to users who had come to the home screen for the first time. This allowed Porter to show the in-app survey only to new users so that the feedback collected is more relevant.


In just six days, the in-app survey launched using Apxor, engaged 41,472 users, with 16,639 completing it, achieving a remarkable conversion rate of 40.12%. This feedback enabled Porter to have the most contextual data.

4.  Delivery Delay Awareness
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Porter wanted to proactively inform users about potential delivery delays and disruptions that could affect their orders.

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Porter's objective was to raise user awareness regarding any possible delivery delays and provide users with relevant information to help them manage their expectations effectively. This would contribute to a more positive user experience, even in the face of delays. To face this challenge they found the following solution:

To address user awareness of delivery delays, Porter initiated a survey and displayed relevant campaigns to users.The technology used by Apxor enables both surveys and customized campaign messages. In the case of Porter, they used this to create a two-pronged strategy. To begin with, a survey was conducted to learn about the opinions and experiences of users regarding delivery delays. Second, pertinent messages were shown to users, keeping them updated on any potential delivery hiccups or delays, and ensuring consumers were always aware of the status of their orders.

This in-app survey was shown to users, when they completed a delivery successfully.


Over nine days, the survey reached 39,710 users, with 12,743 completing it, resulting in a notable conversion rate of 32.09%.


These initiatives have been a great success thanks to Porter's consistent and timely use of Apxor, which has not only successfully educated users but also increased conversion rates amazingly.

Porter has increased user engagement and made sure that their app is always current through the smart use of in-app messaging, tooltips, and polls, improving the user experience in the logistics sector.

This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of data-driven approaches in resolving user problems and fostering corporate success.

Porter &

Apxor helps Porter improve its digital services. Apxor helps Porter deliver good user experiences and continuously improve their app by providing engagement solutions, which include contextual nudges supporting multiple languages and localization, and data-driven insights. This partnership shows a commitment to change and focusing on users. This helps Porter succeed in the competitive logistics business.

user engagement

20 Million +

Users nudged everyday
app engagement


Average increase
in conversions
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15 Mins

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